Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 1 Reflection

What: This week we have rearragned the class room everyone helped out because we all had an idea. We have done clay we made clay animals. I made a Kiwi because it is native. We have done a my holiday google thing and I made mine really weird.

So what: We have learnt how to create clay animals. We have learnt how to do more inquiry in Maori. We learnt how to say Ko te aha tenei ra? We have done our intinary on where we would take people on a tour.

Now what: I want to be able to be king of the den still :| because I want to sit on the couch. I want to be able to do an activity when you get a box and you make trees or gardens and other stuff and put the animal you made inside the box.  It is what I done 2 years ago in my old class, room 4.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today Mrs Larsen taught us how to do a Kerpoof. It was very fun. We made it by putting pictures on. I made one of people in the pool with heaps of beach balls --> This is it!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Free Writing

W.A.L.T: Use correct tense. Use C . ? !

The Hunt.
“Help " Cried a lady for help.” A zombie is chasing me “So I ran and got my sniper.” I'll save you "I ran quickly to the zombie and shot it in the leg. It tripped over. I ran up to it and shot it in the body and then in the head its blood was brown. I was surrounded by zombies. I ducked and grabbed a machine gun. I was rapidly firing it and wouldn't stop. I ran through all the bodies and found the lady. “Thank you " She said.” No problem “I said. A zombie ran up to me and scratched me. I swung around and smashed it's head of with a knife. It fell slowly and i turned in to a zombie and my arms started to fall of to make me a zombie.                                

The End

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 7 reflection

What: This week we have been to the gym. At the gym we have been doing circuits and we played sharks and life savers. We played the game with a parachute. We have  used clay. I made a Stick man and a bed. The clay was very hard , I really enjoyed using the clay.

So what: Today we have learnt how to speak more Maori I knew some things. We have done our rugby players. We made our rugby players for the I.R.B Rugby World Cup 2011. I have learnt how to do kerpoof. The website is

Now what: My goal is to be good at maths because I want to get a big job when I'm older. I want to be able to do a video on kerpoof.

If you want to email me send to this adress:

Look at me and my head. And man...

Bounce! Bounce! Bouncing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 6 Reflection

What: This week we have been out of school with our buddy class. We went to  the Art Gallery and we made rugby players. We have done rugby stuff with our buddy class and we did colouring in of the flag for the country we are supporting. We have been to the Duffy Show and it was very funny and we kept cracking up. We went to a house and the person who lives there is RUGBY MAD!!!!!!!!!!!! More like crazy.

So What: We have learnt how to make a rugby players at the art gallery. We learnt about the new pictures and who made them. A guy called Philip made them. He made them look a bit like collage. I think he is really good at it because he made it look like the body was moving. We have learnt how to make a rugby team on the computer.

Now What: My goal is to get my work finished so that I get a reward each week. I want to learn how to be able to be good at maths because I want to be able to NASA when im older. I have to be very smart like Einstein if i want to be and astronomer I have be a scientist.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 5 Reflection

      <--- Thats me

What: This week we have been to the mayors office and learnt about the stained glass windows. We have been making rugby men for the I.R.B Rugby World Cup 2011. we had to make fifteen by taking photos and using pictures and maths. I did 1+2+3+4+5= 15!!!!!!!

So what: this week i have learnt how to do halves and quarters in my maths. i have learnt how to do maths quickly.

now what: my goal is to be polite and not get detentions and be on my best behaviour at school. what i want to learn is how to be an artist and get back into dRAWING AGAIN.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 3 Reflection

What: This week we have done our scenes for being safe on the road and not being safe. My favourite part was being on the scooter and not getting in trouble!!!!!!!!!! We have done our collage still and we are getting clay to do art. We have been to Harold. We got to shake the bus and watched videos and had karaoke.

So What: We have been to the life education truck and learnt about having friends. We need to be able to be trusted and if you keep a secret your friend wont tell anyone else. I learnt how to ride one of our teachers bikes. It was big and hard to ride.

Now What: My goal is to keep on task not get a detention and I want to be able to get my work done, do P.E, and do BP Technology Challenge next week.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jack Bullock

Today we had a guest come to our school. He came in to our classroom and taught us about making the right choices and not being violent to anyone no matter what. His name is Jack Bullock. His family was a violent family and his dad is in a gang.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week 3 Reflection

What: We have been doing our Collage. We had to glue all the green
colours from a magazine and brown from a magazine for our grass and tree. We had to make flowers for our trees. We had a party for our 10,000 blog hits. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did Chocolate eating and we had to do pebble straw sucking.
So What: We have learned how to put more blogs on our one to get to other peoples ones more easly. In my maths group we have learned how to find halves and quarters of sets for our activity.
Now What: I hope I get the mystery envalope and hope i get in the special box for a prize. I hope I get to be able to learn how to do harder and harder maths questions and then I can be really smart like my Aunty J. She is really good at maths she can answer a question really fast.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

John Coming To Our School

Today at school John from Sichuan China came to our school. The giant panda lives there. He has been taking photos and videos of our class. He teaches English at his school of our ages. John has been taking a whole lot of photos and videos at lunch time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Free Writing

W.A.L.T Use correct tense. Use C ! ? . In writing.
Yesterday I went on the computer. I play Adventure quest worlds. I got to buy me a membership with my own money. I got 2  year membership. It cost me allot of money, My Nan even got mad at me because I spent all my money. When I went on adventure quest worlds I had my membership all done and i got 12,000 adventure coins. When I spent my Ac's I got to buy my self the most expensive armor that cost 2,000 it was actually a class. I had got another 15,500 ac's ( adventure coins )

Friday, August 5, 2011

Week 1 Reflection

What: When Mrs Larsen came back from Thailand we got some gifts. We got a thing that you shoot like a sling-shot and we got a splatter ball. We have been doing our collage on making a tree with leaves on it using magazine paper.

So What: We learned how to speak some Chinese words, when we had Chinese visitors at school. We each had a buddy and one more person in our group. I had D.J. I learned Chinese on the computer at school as well. We also have learned to do an activity on trapping fat cat from catching the birds but we have to draw it. We did it today.

Now What. I want to be able to get on with my work get it all done in one day and not get in trouble because I really hate getting in trouble at school. I think I'm doing well at school though because I'm not getting in trouble much. It's our first week back at school.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mrs Larsen coming back!

W.a.l.t Use correct tense. Anduse C ! ? . 
When Mrs Larsen came back from Thailand She bought us some gifts. The 1st gift was a flying thing that you fling like a sling shot. The 2nd gift was a splatter ball. You throw it at a soft surface and it would splat really big or really small. When I threw mine I got it stuck on the roof. It was a crack up. Then Pita came and threw his on the roof and it got stuck.


w.a.l.t You and edit puncuation.
Once  upon a time the re was a coke man who lived in coke- a -cola Road. Coke- man was a Mean bottle. He woukd always be mean to everyone he saw. One day coke-man caused a fight at school. coke-man goes to mongol school. When he was fighting he knocked someone out of its bottle cap. coke-man realised bullting wasn't a good thing so then coke-man became a hero and didn't stay as a bully. So one day there was some crime  and coke-man came along and helped end the fight. So coke-man fighted this sprite guy who was not right. He punched him in the cap and sprite who was not right got knocked over and was puffed he got up, turned upside down and took his cap off and flew away back to his mum crying and he said this: "Mum, why did you call me sprite who is not right." "I want to be called SPrite who is right.                                      
                                                                                   The End...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Room 15 has done ukulele's in class and we had to blend them. It took some people a really long time to do. My ukulele took a long time to finish beCasue i kept saying i couldnt find my one and i wasnt really doing it i was talking. i had a lot of differeNT colours on my ukulele's. this is what they look like.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Week 9 Reflection

What: We have done art. The art we are doing is a vase and flowers for our collage. For the flowers we had to blend them and get pipe cleaners to do the stem. We went for a walk to Springvale Park to watch our school play rippa rugby in a tournamint. Carlon won, YAY CARLTON!!! Even though it was a draw...
So What: We learnt how to do contractions in our spelling rotation. EXAMPLE: He will, He'll. We are still learning how to link, We have linked Ma, De, Ac, Am and thats it.
Now What: I want to be able to link one whole sentence!!!! I want to be able to be in the King section on our success-o-meter.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 7 Reflection

What: On Tuesday we went on a trip with our buddy class all around Wanganui. We went to Kowhai Park, Queens park and other places. We did kapa haka and did an activity on waking ourselves up.

Now What: We learnt how to do more basic facts in our mighty pad. We learnt how to write newspaper articles with Mrs O'Connor. We learnt how to do a stem and leaf graph in maths.

So What: I want to be able to pay all the shows I go to so I dont keep needing to get a loan from my teacher. I want to be able to get my successful person done so I dont keep doing it everyday.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Week 6 Reflection

What: We have thrown our boomarangs that Mrs Larsen's mum sent to us. We did it for P.E and funtime. We have coloured in our ukulele's in our art time. We learnt how to do lots of new graphs like: Pie Graph, Tally Graph, Line Graph and Picture Graph.

So What: I learnt how to use the boomarang and how to get it to come back to you but it never came back to me!! I learnt how to blend in my ukulele's but i'm having trouble in my last ukulele.

Now What: I hope I achieve putting a whole heap of reflections on my blog so i can be famous and have at least 100 posts or reflections. I hope I can achieve being King of the Den at school so I can sit on the couch but I hardly ever concentrate on my work so maybe I should concentrate more. I always put my lion face on the right place though.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 4 Reflection

What: Room15 has done another sheet of Maori. It is about feelings and we also did a new Maori greeting it is E pehea ana koe? We also learnt how to link in our handwriting it takes a long time for us to practise our linking and any mistakes in out handwriting we have to do it all over again!!!

So what: This week I learnt how to do something that I never knew how to do which is... LINKING!! Linking was the most hardest thing i've EVER tried! That is why it is hard.

Now what: I hope to be quicker in my work so I stop going to Room7. I really want to be good at school by: Not moaning, Not  getting detentions, Keeping on task and not being naughty. I really want to learn how to link really long words in our handwriting. I really want to put jib jab on my blog STILL! I really really want to learn how to be a better drawer still because I really want to be an artist like the one that comes to our school.
What: Room15 has done another sheet of Maori. It is about feelings and we also did a new Maori greeting it is E pehea ana koe? We also learnt how to link in our handwriting it takes a long time for us to practise our linking and any mistakes in out handwriting we have to do it all over again!!!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Week 3 Reflection

What: We have been given an egg until Friday to look after. We also did keeping ourselves safe. We also had to draw a ukulele in our art draft book.

So what: I learnt how to keep myself safe if I'm alone some where and I have to look after myself at home or in the streets. I also learnt hoe to draw better in our art time.

Now what: I hope I learn to actually draw really good at school and become an artist and then teach people how to draw so they can be an artist too. I also hope I can be a really good person at school and get all my work done and also concentrate on all the work I get if its hard or easy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weekly Reflection.

What: We have done a technology challenge. we had to make a castle out of newspaper, SCISSoRS and sellotape. it was desaterous. We learnt some maori too.
So What: I learnt how to make a castle out of newspaper. IT WAS really hard to do and everyone didn’t REALLY SHARE there ideas. we also learnt how to talk lots of maori and speak it. we all had to tell it to mrs larsen our teacher.
now what: I want to do more stuff on my blog like putting videos, pictures and lots more. I also want to be able to yave lots of visitors on my blog from lots of different places so i could have fame on my blog. RIGHT NOW I HAVe none.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 10 Reflection

What: Last week i did alot of Maori words like,  e noHO ra. it means goodbye to the person who is staying. ka kite ano means see you again. it was really hard for us to learn the maori.

So What: Last week I learnt how to put a blog counter on my blog to see how many people have been on my blog. It was really exciting when I put the blog counter on and now Ive got 53 people on my blog so far. I cant wait till Ive got 1000 people on my blog. Last week i learnt how to speak more Maori because we want to be able to say lots of new things and we can say goodbye and hello.

Now What: Next time we do I.T I hope we get to put Jib-Jab on so we can look funny and other people will laugh at us because Jib-Jab is funny to a lot of people.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Making Our Avatars

In Room15 I made my own avatar. It was pretty easy to follow instructions but hard to put on. I was really excited to see it and when I did see it. I was really happy. I was so happy when it was on and the whole class went crazy. Here is a slideshow of the class avatars.

Week 6 Reflection

What: In Room 15 I have been learning new stuff in I.T for our blogs like putting  Avatars on our blog page everyone was exited when they saw there avatar on there blog page.

So what: I am going t learn lots ofnew stuff in I.T

Now What: I want to be King

Friday, April 1, 2011

Weekly Reflection (week 9)

What?: Today I went on be funky,it is a website of mixing your own photo that Miss Larsen took. We also have been to Putiki Marae it was really exciting until I got kicked out.

So what?: We have learnt to do lots of stuff on our blog like putting on cluster map's, and avatars it was really hard to listen too.

Now what?: We will achieve new things in room15 like putting on blog counters and lots of new stuff like putting on: Videos, Followers, and HTML things.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 6 reflection

What: In Room 15 I have been learning new stuff in I.T for our blogs like putting Avatars on our blog page. Everyone was excited when they saw their avatar on their blog page. We have also put post's and reflection post's so there is lots of stuff on our blog.

So What: I learnt how to put all this stuff on my blog so now when people need help with something, I can help them with it so they're not stuck.

Now what: I am going to learn how to put vidoes an lots more on my blog so I can help more people.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 5 Reflection

What: I have done Bp Technology Challenges and lots of new things like playing lots of games like German ball.

So What: I have been learning how to be silent in our class room and get my work finished to get to play a game. I learnt how to do my basic facts and my number knowledge by working out all in my head. 

Now What: I want to  behave in class so i don't get lots of detentions and be able to be a king on the success-o-meter. I would like to be able to learn how to make my own avatar on my blog like everyone else

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I feel sorry for my family all the way in Christchurch because i dont know if they are ok or if they are dead or alive.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week Three Reflection

What: We did BP Technology Challenges and lots of new things, like playing lots of games like German ball.

So What: I have been learning how to be silent in our class room and get our work finished on time so I get to play a game. I learnt how to do my basic facts and my number knowledge by working out the answers in my head. 

Now What: I want to  behave in class so I don't get lots of detentions. I want be able to be a king on the success-o-meter. I would like to be able to learn how to make my own avatar on my blog like everyone else.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week Two Reflection

What: We have made our blogs and we have been doing fun things in the classroom like technology challenges using paper to make flagpoles.

So what: We have learnt lots of new things in Room 15 like working as a team.

Now what: My goal is to become KING OF THE JUNGLE!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Blog Making

Today at school I made a blog and email. I cant wait to start blogging. It was very hard creating them I really dont want to do this again.