Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 4 Reflection

What: Room15 has done another sheet of Maori. It is about feelings and we also did a new Maori greeting it is E pehea ana koe? We also learnt how to link in our handwriting it takes a long time for us to practise our linking and any mistakes in out handwriting we have to do it all over again!!!

So what: This week I learnt how to do something that I never knew how to do which is... LINKING!! Linking was the most hardest thing i've EVER tried! That is why it is hard.

Now what: I hope to be quicker in my work so I stop going to Room7. I really want to be good at school by: Not moaning, Not  getting detentions, Keeping on task and not being naughty. I really want to learn how to link really long words in our handwriting. I really want to put jib jab on my blog STILL! I really really want to learn how to be a better drawer still because I really want to be an artist like the one that comes to our school.
What: Room15 has done another sheet of Maori. It is about feelings and we also did a new Maori greeting it is E pehea ana koe? We also learnt how to link in our handwriting it takes a long time for us to practise our linking and any mistakes in out handwriting we have to do it all over again!!!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Week 3 Reflection

What: We have been given an egg until Friday to look after. We also did keeping ourselves safe. We also had to draw a ukulele in our art draft book.

So what: I learnt how to keep myself safe if I'm alone some where and I have to look after myself at home or in the streets. I also learnt hoe to draw better in our art time.

Now what: I hope I learn to actually draw really good at school and become an artist and then teach people how to draw so they can be an artist too. I also hope I can be a really good person at school and get all my work done and also concentrate on all the work I get if its hard or easy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weekly Reflection.

What: We have done a technology challenge. we had to make a castle out of newspaper, SCISSoRS and sellotape. it was desaterous. We learnt some maori too.
So What: I learnt how to make a castle out of newspaper. IT WAS really hard to do and everyone didn’t REALLY SHARE there ideas. we also learnt how to talk lots of maori and speak it. we all had to tell it to mrs larsen our teacher.
now what: I want to do more stuff on my blog like putting videos, pictures and lots more. I also want to be able to yave lots of visitors on my blog from lots of different places so i could have fame on my blog. RIGHT NOW I HAVe none.